A waving misadventure: When directions and waves collide

Every Saturday as Ben and I are driving back from training, we pass an intellectually impaired man (I’m assuming) who sits at the side of the road with (who appears to be) his carer by his side.

This man enthusiastically waves every time a car passes, and so as we approach I wind down my window, hang half my body out and yell and wave back.

He loves it!

And I love it even more when I see the expression on his face – pure joy.

Now allow me to digress just a little here and explain that I have never been great with directions, location, maps, driving or anything that is associated with remembering how I got somewhere.

I’ve even been lost driving to my own house because I accidentally entered the wrong address into the car GPS and then just assumed we must be taking a shortcut…. which ended up 40 mins from my house!

So that kind of explains why I did what I did.

As we were driving along (Ben driving obviously) I looked up and saw who I thought was my friend waving.

So I hurriedly wind down the window, hang myself out and start yelling and waving with a great big grin on my face…

Whilst simultaneously thinking that my friend looks a lot younger…

And really quite agile…

And without his carer by his side…

And what appears to be someone slumped against the fence behind him…

And that he doesn’t actually seem to be waving at me, but rather at someone behind me…

Who turned out to be the ambulance because the person slumped against the fence required medical attention.


As I sheepishly wound the window back up and tried to slide down onto the floor, Ben who hasn’t even taken his eyes off the road, says:

You have no idea where we are do you?

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